In all my years, even in my most ridiculous ideas of what my future life would be like, I never imagined that I would own a real, full-size lighthouse that, at one time (at a previous location) provided navigational safety on a waterway. (There’s a long story that goes with this lighthouse…but that is for another time.)
For now, I ponder what I have and what my responsibility with it should be. At its core, this lighthouse is the largest bit of “yard art” (that I know of) in the area. I, for one, don’t like “yard art“ - I prefer to call such signs and kitschy sculptures “junk.” That being said, I admit that I was intrigued…possibly enamored…with the presence of this lighthouse on the property when we were looking to buy.
However, what I can truly say I enjoy about our property is the number and variety of birds I see throughout the seasons. Which, consequently, leads me back to my thoughts about my responsibility in owning this lighthouse…which serves no navigation but has a continually-lit 10-watt LED.
During migration, birds use the stars and the moon for navigation. Research has shown that artificial lights disrupt bird migration. Recommendations from ornithologist are that all unnecessary artificial lights should be turned off during periods of migration. So, I worry that this thing I own, that serves no greater purpose than as a beautiful spot to sit and watch the lake and sunsets, is actually harmful to that which I truly enjoy. Granted, I have never found a dead bird at the base of this lighthouse. However, I know that an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence and it makes me wonder about the unseen impacts this lighthouse has during a very dangerous part of the lives of millions of birds - comprised of more than 250 species that migrate through here at night.
It really wouldn’t take much for me to install a switch. I think it’s time for that.